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Tonicc's Fox Café!

The Fox Café is Tonicc's Community, full of really cool people. Whether you're interested in Tonicc's personality, content, or you just want to make some friends - this is an amazing place!Keep scrolling for some more cool information,
- or click the links at the top!

Community Events

Looking for a place to hang out and meet new people?I host VRChat meetups twice a month where anyone (Quest, Non-VR and PCVR) can join and hang out! We alternate between chill worlds and game worlds so that everyone can have a good time. The best way to keep up to date with these is the Discord Server!I'm also planning on making a Rust server for anyone in the community to play on, with a focus around lighthearted fun rather than solely PvP.Extra things such as one-off events and a community Minecraft Server may come in the future.

Want to be a part of the community?

I would LOVE for you to be a part of the community. Feel free to join the Discord server to see all the action and stay up to date with the latest event information!

© Tonicc 2025. All rights reserved.

A little bit
about me...

I'm Tonicc (duh!). I love foxes (also duh), I was born in Australia and currently live in New Zealand, and you probably don't care :3I spend most of my time trying to be productive, by improving on things that I already do or by making something new. I love creating content for silly people on the internet, and see myself doing that for the foreseeable future in one way or another. As of when I'm writing this, I have a lot of things to still figure out in this whole life thing. I'm just trying my best to do things to the best of my ability. And even though that's not what I'm "meant" to say here, and I'm meant to show zero vulnerability and look like I have a perfect life, but honesty is something I value a lot.Be kind over being hateful, and try to make someone's day better. Whoever you are reading this, you're awesome and I hope you have an amazing week! <3

Tonicc's Assets :D

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